Q1 2024 Plan Universe Allocation & Return Analysis

Defined Benefit plans post their best quarterly performance in three years.


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The Q1 2024 Investment Metrics Plan Universe Report – the industry’s most granular analytics tool for plan sponsors with data sourced directly from over 4,000 institutions – reported the strongest quarterly performance for defined plans in three years.

Defined benefit plans, buoyed by strong equity markets performance during the quarter, posted a return more than double their average over the last five years.

Investment Metrics, a Confluence company, is a leading global provider of investment analytics, reporting, data and research solutions that help institutional investors and advisors achieve better financial outcomes, grow assets, and retain clients with clear investment insights. Our solutions drive insights across 20K+ institutional asset pools, 28K+ funds, 910K+ portfolios, representing $14T+ in AUA. With over 400 clients across 30 countries and industry-leading solutions in institutional portfolio analytics and reporting, style factor and ESG analysis, competitor and peer analysis, and market and manager research, we bring insights, transparency, and competitive advantage to help institutional investors and advisors achieve better financial outcomes.

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Brendan Cooper
Head of Client Consulting & Research
Investment Metrics, a Confluence Company